!Hola Gente!

Hola Gente!
I’m Fernanda, The creadora and fundadora of Celzo Agua Fresca

Less Waste
More Taste
We believe that reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices is a critical part of our responsabilidad as a business. So, we've ditched the plastic completely and embraced cardboard and paper. Why? Because it helps us significantly cut down on waste, and contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet.
Why stop there, though? We're on a mission to find new ways to be as sustainable as possible, from cleaner manufacturing processes to waste-reducing initiatives. Celzo is committed to doing our part to create a better future for ourselves, our customers, and the planet.

See What the
Fizz is All About
Stressed out and feeling the anxiety creep in? Celzo's got your back with a Mexican-style
cure that will change your vida. Forget those brands pushing vitamin-infused whatnots and adaptogens to
"give you a break." We're all about finding happiness right here, right now. Crack open a Celzo, it will remind you
to let go of things that are not in your control, to give yourself more amor (that’s love,
amigos) and a moment of pure joy and flavor.